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It all begins with "CARE." God's love extends to each of us, and we are called to extend that love to those around us, encompassing our "Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria." God especially emphasizes the importance of caring for the widows, orphans, and the most vulnerable among us.

CARE Partnership Project (CARE) is a grassroots organization registered as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, dedicated to assisting immigrants and refugees in the Dallas-Fort Worth metro area since 2016. CARE offers a comprehensive approach to address the financial, mental, and spiritual needs of those in need.


CARE aims to support refugees and immigrants in overcoming financial crises and achieving self-sufficiency through the following core set of objectives:

1.  Transitional Housing Services : CARE offers assistance related to transitional housing, including rent support, housing search, translation services, and associated activities, helping individuals secure stable living arrangements during their transition.


2.  Self-Sufficiency Assistance : CARE aids both newcomers and established refugees and immigrants in their journey towards self-sufficiency. This includes various forms of support to enhance their financial independence.


3.  Mental and Spiritual Counseling Access : CARE facilitates access to mental and spiritual counseling services for immigrants and refugees, recognizing the importance of addressing emotional and spiritual well-being alongside their financial needs.

4.   Resource Guidance : CARE guides beneficiaries to relevant resource centers and organizations, ensuring they can access the services and support required to meet their specific needs, whether related to housing, mental health, or other essential services.

Impact Statement


During the period from 2016 to 2022, CARE Partnership Project made a significant impact by providing support to individuals and families facing various challenges:


28 Heads of Households Assisted:  

CARE extended assistance to 28 heads of households who were grappling with financial crises and other significant challenges.

78 Adults and Children Supported:

In total, CARE's outreach and services benefited 78 adults and children within the Dallas-Fort Worth metro area.

Empowering Female Heads of Households:

Of those assisted, 45% were female heads of households in need of transitional housing services.

Support for Single Mothers:

A substantial 90% of these female heads of households were single mothers, highlighting the organization's commitment to helping single mothers achieve self-sufficiency and stability.


The impact statement underscores the meaningful contribution of CARE in addressing the needs of vulnerable populations and promoting self-sufficiency among single mothers and their families.

These are powerful stories of individuals and families who have benefited from the CARE Partnership Project, demonstrating the significant positive impact of the organization's efforts:


Hewan, along with her two small children, moved to Dallas in search of a better life. However, financial difficulties and housing challenges left her in a precarious situation. With the assistance of CARE Partnership Project, she was able to secure housing for six months, which turned her life around. She found employment, made meaningful connections at a church, and prioritized her children's well-being, allowing her to be the best mom she could be.


Yeshihareg's story is a powerful example of the transformative impact of the CARE Partnership Project:


In 2022, Yeshihareg arrived with her young daughter, holding a degree in computer science. Unfortunately, due to visa issues, she couldn't find the professional jobs for which she had trained. The work available to her was unstable and insufficient to cover living expenses.

Divine intervention brought her to CARE. With CARE's support, encouragement, mentoring, and transitional housing assistance, Yeshihareg embarked on a journey to complete additional courses, enhancing her qualifications for a reliable job. She also commited her life to trusting in Jesus Christ

Yeshihareg's dedication, hard work, and patience paid off. Eventually, her husband was able to join her, marking the beginning of their path to self-sufficiency. The support provided by Christian friends who offered a secure place to live made a significant difference in their journey.

The CARE Partnership Project's understanding of Yeshihareg's cultural situation allowed them to provide the right relationships and support, helping her and her family get their lives back on track. This story underscores the life-changing impact of CARE in empowering individuals and families to achieve self-sufficiency and stability.

ABEY S.jpg

Abey's story is a testament to the positive impact of the CARE Partnership Project. Although not homeless, Abey, his wife Victoria, and their three young children faced financial difficulties after immigrating to the United States from Ethiopia in 2018. Despite Abey's hard work and determination, their family struggled to meet essential needs.


Their lives took a turn for the better when they learned about the CARE Partnership Project and the potential for transitional housing support. Upon being accepted as part of CARE, Abey began the journey to establish a secure future in their new country.


Fast forward to 2023, and Abey now works in the Parkland Hospital transportation division in Dallas, Texas. His wife has also secured employment, contributing to the family's financial stability. Moreover, Abey has built meaningful relationships within the Ethiopian Evangelical Baptist Church, where he serves in various capacities.


Today, Abey stands as a self-sufficient member of the community, and his story serves as a testimony to his gratitude and deep faith. He recognizes that God provided precisely what he and his family needed when they needed it, showcasing the transformative impact of CARE's support and the power of his faith.


"I will strive for the best and, in turn, give back.":

Mesay plays a crucial role as the primary provider for his household, which includes his wife and two children. He emphasizes the vital role that CARE has played in his life, stating, "If CARE didn't help, I wouldn't be able to get help from anywhere." Thanks to CARE's support, Mesay is currently working on stabilizing his income. He has taken on the role of a shuttle driver and works part-time as an Uber driver, demonstrating his determination to secure a stable financial future for his family.


Mesay's story underscores the significant impact that CARE has had in providing him with the support and resources needed to improve his family's financial well-being.

These stories illustrate how CARE Partnership Project has made a difference in the lives of individuals and families, providing them with the tools and resources they needed to overcome challenges and work towards self-sufficiency.

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